Mon August 19, 2024
a Boston Too Bay ComicHATCH - WHO'S THAT?
Doors: 7:00 PM Show: 7:30 PM
Hatch- originally from Boston MA, he makes his comedic home in the Oakland Bay Area. From an early age Comedy loved Hatch. It seemed that everything that came out of his mouth was a humorous observation about life.
Hatch is one of the most distinctive and exciting comedians today. His rugged storytelling, and incredible timing make him shocking, surprising, unexpected, and fearless. He is truly cutting edge.
His topics range from the things we hate, things we can’t take and things that are just funny as sh@t! Chuckle.
Hatch has played venues nationwide with features at the Punchline, ThrockMorton Theater and Tommy T’s. Respected by Comics and Comedy heads alike.
His name is Hatch. And his sh@t is funny.
adv $20 / dos $30/ premier $25